This article aims to provide a worked example of a PPE assessment for the routine task of filling up the chlorine day tank with calcium hypochlorite granules. Please note that the assessment does not cover issues relating to chlorine gas and therefore, a separate assessment would need to be carried out for this.
- Download (free) HSG53 - Respiratory Protective Equipment at Work.
- Get the MSDS sheet for the substance in question (go here for calcium hypochlorite MSDS).
- Work through the steps. There are several worked examples in the guidance, but for a worked example for the task described above go here.
What I should also point out is that the PPE assessment is not the risk assessment. The PPE assessment only needs to be used if your risk assessment has established that a residual risk remains after the consideration of other factors (PPE is always the last resort). The other control measures that should be considered prior to the use of PPE are:
Can the risk be completely eliminated, if not;Can the risk be reduced (using a less hazardous substance);Can the person be isolated from the task (mechanising the process);Control (engineering or management controls to reduce the risk);Can safe systems of work (SSW) make the task safer;This process is known as the hierarchy of control and can easily be remembered by using the acronym ERIC:- Eliminate
- Reduce
- Isolate
- Control
If some risk remains after consideration of the above, then go ahead and issue PPE, but make sure it's the right type (that's where the PPE assessment comes in).